Thursday, January 21, 2010

The MBTI, ENFP, and why these two acronyms are so important.

Disclaimer: those of you who are sick of hearing about this probably should skip this blog entry.

The MBTI, or Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, is the most accurate personality test known. It basically tests four principles that are in direct opposition to one another. Based on the results, each individual is assigned one of sixteen possible combinations of the principles.

Here's how it works. The first principle tested is Introvert/Extravert. If you are more Introverted (meaning you expend energy being in the presence of others and gain energy being alone), you are given an I, while if you are more Extraverted (meaning you expend energy being alone and gain energy being in the presence of others), you are given an E.

This is true for the other three dichotomous principles

N/S = iNtuitive / Sensing (either rely on intuition or "gut" vs. processing sensory data)
T/F = Thinking / Feeling (either rely on thoughts or feelings to make decisions)
J/P = Judging / Perceiving (either like to have things "settled" or leave options open)

You are given a 4-letter acronym based on the which end of the spectrum you most closely identify with for each of the 4 dichotomies.

Two of my close friends are an ESFJ (Extraverted / Sensing / Feeling / Judging) and an ISTP (Intraverted / Sensing / Feeling / Perceiving) personality. There are sixteen possible combinations, and each one carries its unique methods of dealing with/interpreting the world. My wife is an INTJ.

Why do I mention all of this? The answer lies in the fact that my ENFP personality can explain nearly everything I do on a daily basis. Even my thought processes eerily parallel those of most ENFPs. It's both comforting and disconcerting how similar I am to others with my personality type. While it helps to understand strengths and weaknesses, it also sheds light on some traps that nearly all ENFPs fall into.

Do me a favor and read this, and comment: it describes me perfectly.

You can clearly see where some of the problems in my life and positive aspects have come from. This is me to a T. I look forward to your comments!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cavaliers live blog, 1-12-2010

1st quarter:

12:00 Cavs win the tap. After good ball movement, possession ends with LeBron bricking a contested 3. Warriors respond with a 2.

11:36 Shaq fumbles a LeBron pass out of bounds. Warriors respond with a Monta Ellis jumper. Great start to the game.

8:54 The camera zooms in on Ronnie Turiaf during a LeBron freethrow. His beard makes him eerily resemble the Predator. I imagine him throwing the disc through Don Nelson after one of his terrible substitutions as the top half of Nelson's body slowly slides off the bottom and lands on the ground.

8:42 LeBron trips over his own feet and falls backwards trying to stay in front of Corey Magette and is called for a foul.

7:32 Austin Carr on an Anthony Parker steal: He opened up to the ball, and uh, and that's why he's able to get his hand on the ball, because he opened up to the ball and the drop step.

6:49 LeBron bricks another contested 3. Still has no FG. Cleveland 13-12

6:10 Fred McLeod: Hey by the way, Shaq with a lot of accolades with the smooch last night. He said he thought it was Alec Baldwin, but it was Daniel Baldwin. He said if he knew it was Daniel Baldwin, he wouldn't have delivered the smooch.

Shaq giving beats. But how do you confuse Daniel for Alec Baldwin? They're 75 lbs. apart. Also, I'm not sure if 'not getting a kiss from a sweaty 340 pound man' is on my list of potential dissapointments...

5:50 During a timeout, sideline reporter Jeff Phelps finds a way to work The Shot into a discussion about the Cavs. This is an honor usually reserved for the national media.

3:40 LeBron hits his first field goal: a putback from his own miss 1 foot from the rim.

3:35 Stephan Curry jacks up a bricked 3 2 seconds into the shot clock. RAYALLEN!

2:27 Cavs have scored 9 points in 1 minute. Warriors defense.

0:26 After a Radmanovich foul, Austin and Fred banter about Andy "getting himself a bird" for a full minute and a half. McLeod called him a "Serbia-Montenegro bird" and Carr simply exclaimed "Fly like an eagle!"

2nd quarter

11:05 Pick and pop is killing the cavs. Mo Williams does not know how to fight through screens.

8:40 The last 3 warriors possessions featured 2 bricked layups and a monta ellis airball from 20 feet. 37-35 Cleveland.

8:20 Don Nelson subs in "Cartier Martin" from the D-League. No one is sure why.

5:45 LeBron kicks to Jawad Williams for a baseline jumper. Fred McLeod: One teammate called him HOT. WAD. WILLIAMS.
(At this point, Austin can barely contain his snickering as he chokes out 'ha-ha-HOT WAD' and fades into cackling, obviously picking up on the innuendo)

5:14 Cartier Martin from the d-league nails a wide open 3. Facepalm.

3:44 Ronnie Turiaf heads for the locker room after landing on Z's bionic foot. Golden state's bench has 6 points, including the d-league 3.

2:30 Andris BiedrinsDolph Lundgren checks into the game for one possession, then checks back out.

1:54 Don Nelson closeup. Chris Matthews, is that you in 25 years? 60-49 Cavs.

0:10 LeBron has the ball 30 feet from the hoop and is dribbling in place. How much you want to bet he bricks a jumper at the buzzer?

0:00 I was wrong. He airballs a jumper at the buzzer after losing control of his dribble. LeIso. 62-54 Cavs. Cartier Martin has played most of the second quarter. But where is Dolph?


The warriors have some sort of creepy Matador & assistant routine going on where a fat guy in a tuxedo that looks like pavarotti is homosexually spinning a red cape around his head to impress a blonde in a pixie outfit that looks like a taller Mary Lou Retton.

Meanwhile, FSN has shown 5 solid minutes of commercials, cut back to a brief flash of a few highlights and the score, and gone back to a wall of commercials for 5 minutes.

3rd quarter

10:46 During a fast break, Stephan Curry throws a pass off the back of a streaking Radmanovich's head. Austin says "that was great defense by LeBron. 1 on 1."

8:53 This is something that bothers me about LeBron. He will pass the ball to a teammate, watch the play develop, and stand 30 feet from the hoop or in the corner for the ENTIRE possession. He almost never moves without the ball on these kinds of possessions and the offense plays 4-on-5.

7:37 Cavs have blocked a shot 5 possessions in a row. Warriors are getting frustrated, specifically Monta Ellis. GS clearly cannot handle the length and physicality of the Cavs.

5:31 LeBron gets his second chasedown of the night. Cavs are blocking shots left and right.

4:23 Cavs turn it up and are starting to pull away. 81-69, much of it due to increased energy level. LeBron is everywhere on offense and defense.

3:45 LeBron with ANOTHER chasedown. Former Cav Nate Thurmond is at the game and Jeff Phelps is interviewing him, and somehow blowing every single question.

JP: So, how is the hot dog business doing?
NT: Not well, not well at all. Well, the restaurant business in general is not doing well.
JP: (akward pause)
JP: But, you're enjoying life otherwise? (probably the least interesting/creative question imaginable)
NT: (Makes screwed up, hilarious face) Yes, my wife and I are enjoying life in San Francisco...

1:17 Why has Z played so much this game? We should just use Andy/JJ as bigs for the entire game vs. runners like GS. Z looks like a giraffe with his 70-year-old-boxer post moves.

0:12 Cavs regain posession. LeBron dribbles at halfcourt for 7 seconds. Can you guess what happens next? You guessed it. Cavs 93-83

4th quarter

11:37 Radmanovich throws the ball out of bounds 10 feet from the nearest Warrior. Camera closeup shows EPIC facepalm by Don Nelson.

10:49 Varejao inbounds to Delonte, who promptly fumbles the ball onto the baseline.

8:56 Cavs have 18 turnovers already. At least 10 are unforced.

4:00 Boobie has not been doing much with his playtime. It's odd. He almost needs the competition with Moon for those minutes to overachieve.

1:00 Cavs have allowed GS to rally back to within 3 after being up 15. Cleveland Curse Sense is tingling.

0:48 Varejao hunts down a loose ball by muscling out Radmanovich and Fred remarks "they need to keep a stat for pestering." Austin finds this hilarious.

0:00 We somehow manage to hang on and win 115-112.


-Fred McLeod is an amusingly terrible announcer. Anyone who says things like "rubber rimjob" on the reg either thinks it's funny (it's not after iteration #100,000) or is so oblivious that they don't pick up on what it sounds like. Either way, it irritates me. At least Austin Carr is lovably retarded and has fun catchphrases.

-The one exception is from DEEP in ____________ (from DEEP in Oracle Arena, The Staples Center, The Verizon Center, etc). Austin, stop saying that with every awkward-sounding arena name after it as you trail off.

-I don't know about you, but when Varejao initially signed that contract I thought he was overpaid. I have since changed my opinion as the man has to at least be in the conversation for sixth man of the year. Andy was blocking shots left and right, rebounding, and yes, pestering opposing players with his energy...and hair.

-I haven't figured out why the Cavs are by far the most first-quarter dominant team in the league, then resort to isolating LeBron at half court and waiting for most of the rest of the game. When the Cavs move the ball and LBJ moves without the ball, no one can stop their offense. If they would just play their first-quarter style the whole game they'd sweep their way to the Finals.